PITBULL ADCC Big Training Backpack Black

1 In stock
  • Very large backpack with the possibility of attaching a belt and carrying it as a shoulder bag
  • Backpack straps hidden in a special pocket
  • Extra large compartments
  • Main and additional leisurely fit even the biggest kimono
  • In the upper part an additional zipped pocket, useful for storing small items, keys, or documents
  • At the bottom, an additional ventilated compartment for carrying wet things after training
  • Additional zipped compartments in the front of the backpack
  • Two side pockets
  • One with several compartments, the other insulated is ideal for holding chilled beverages
  • Main compartment with double zipper and padlock

Dimensions of the backpack [cm]: 58.5 × 40.5 × 30.5
Dimensions of the rucksack [cm]: 30.5 × 89 × 40.5
RON 400.00
RON 400.00

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Livrare gratuita peste 650 RON

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clienti vizualizeaza produsul acesta!
  • Very large backpack with the possibility of attaching a belt and carrying it as a shoulder bag
  • Backpack straps hidden in a special pocket
  • Extra large compartments
  • Main and additional leisurely fit even the biggest kimono
  • In the upper part an additional zipped pocket, useful for storing small items, keys, or documents
  • At the bottom, an additional ventilated compartment for carrying wet things after training
  • Additional zipped compartments in the front of the backpack
  • Two side pockets
  • One with several compartments, the other insulated is ideal for holding chilled beverages
  • Main compartment with double zipper and padlock

Dimensions of the backpack [cm]: 58.5 × 40.5 × 30.5
Dimensions of the rucksack [cm]: 30.5 × 89 × 40.5
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PITBULL ADCC Big Training Backpack Black
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