TATAMI Katakana Grappling Shorts - Navy

1 In stock

The Tatami Fightwear No Gi range introduces the Katakana collection, including these shorts, available in black and navy.

As the name suggests, the Katakana shorts design draws upon our influences from the East with the Katakana logos on either side of the legs.

The shorts themselves are designed to get the most out of your performance by giving you a comfy and breathable fit. A lycra crotch gusset helps this with a fully elasticated waistband supporting the fit, allowing for a wide range of movement.

RON 260.00
Size :
RON 260.00

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The Tatami Fightwear No Gi range introduces the Katakana collection, including these shorts, available in black and navy.

As the name suggests, the Katakana shorts design draws upon our influences from the East with the Katakana logos on either side of the legs.

The shorts themselves are designed to get the most out of your performance by giving you a comfy and breathable fit. A lycra crotch gusset helps this with a fully elasticated waistband supporting the fit, allowing for a wide range of movement.

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